佐藤 祈采 (さとう きさい) (本名 弘幸) 1952年(昭和27年)神奈川県川崎市麻生区出身、在住。
学生時代の後半より、尺八を習い始め、John Kaizan Neptune氏、田嶋直士氏、三橋貴風氏他より指導を受けた。
邦楽 “虹の輪” 主宰、調布三曲協会会員、邦楽演奏グループ柿楽(しらく)メンバー
尺八・篠笛・箏のスコアを五線譜から作成・編集できるソフトウェア 邦楽スコアメーカーJapoScoreを開発し、公開中。
Dear Mr. Sato,
I have found out recently about your website with sheet music for Miyagi’s compositions. I think it’s a great thing that you did, congratulations! I decided to share the link on the forum of the European Shakuhachi Society (http://www.shakuhachiforum.eu/), I hope you don’t mind.
I have lived in Japan for 8 years so I can speak/write Japanese but I am writing in English because I saw that you are also doing Englishtranslation. Feel free to reply in Japanese if you prefer.
I have studied shakuhachi (Tozan School) since coming to Japan and I have obtained JUN-SHIHAN license in 2011. I am not so familiar with Kinko notation, but the simplified one used in these scores is quite similar to Tozan notation, so I could understand it.
I have become recently interested in Kinko notation both in order to play some Kinko works (such as Tsuru no sugomori, which I like very much), but also related to a shakuhachi notation program that I am developing, and for which I am planning to add support for Kinko notation in the future:
I would enjoy very much if we could keep in touch in the future and share thoughts about our passion for shakuhachi and music.
Best wishes,
Razvan Beuran
Dear Mr. Beuran,
thank you for your comment.
I am very pleased that you enjoyed the Miyagi compotions sheets I uploaded.
I was very impressed by the Shakuhachi Viewer you developed, because I have almost the same ideas to develop software tools to make shakuhachi music sheet as you did. Please think about producing sheets in the simplified Kinko notation which I like and is best for any body, I believe.
Best wishes,
Hiro Kisai Sato
Dear Mr. Sato,
Thank you for your words regarding ShakuViewer, I am really happy that you appreciate it.
Although producing music sheets in Kinko notation requires significant effort, I have already added partial support by using Kinko characters, even though the other score conventions are for Tozan notation.
If you would send me an email, I would be happy to provide you such a Kinko notation sample score (Haru no umi) for comments. I am planning to release a new software version that includes this feature in the next couple of weeks.
Best wishes,