佐藤 祈采 (さとう きさい) (本名 弘幸) 1952年(昭和27年)神奈川県川崎市麻生区出身、在住。


学生時代の後半より、尺八を習い始め、John Kaizan Neptune氏、田嶋直士氏、三橋貴風氏他より指導を受けた。





邦楽 “虹の輪” 主宰、調布三曲協会会員、邦楽演奏グループ柿楽(しらく)メンバー


尺八・篠笛・箏のスコアを五線譜から作成・編集できるソフトウェア 邦楽スコアメーカーJapoScoreを開発し、公開中。



自己紹介” に対して5件のコメントがあります。

  1. Razvan Beuran より:

    Dear Mr. Sato,

    I have found out recently about your website with sheet music for Miyagi’s compositions. I think it’s a great thing that you did, congratulations! I decided to share the link on the forum of the European Shakuhachi Society (http://www.shakuhachiforum.eu/), I hope you don’t mind.

    I have lived in Japan for 8 years so I can speak/write Japanese but I am writing in English because I saw that you are also doing Englishtranslation. Feel free to reply in Japanese if you prefer.

    I have studied shakuhachi (Tozan School) since coming to Japan and I have obtained JUN-SHIHAN license in 2011. I am not so familiar with Kinko notation, but the simplified one used in these scores is quite similar to Tozan notation, so I could understand it.

    I have become recently interested in Kinko notation both in order to play some Kinko works (such as Tsuru no sugomori, which I like very much), but also related to a shakuhachi notation program that I am developing, and for which I am planning to add support for Kinko notation in the future:

    I would enjoy very much if we could keep in touch in the future and share thoughts about our passion for shakuhachi and music.

    Best wishes,
    Razvan Beuran

  2. hiro より:

    Dear Mr. Beuran,
    thank you for your comment.

    I am very pleased that you enjoyed the Miyagi compotions sheets I uploaded.
    I was very impressed by the Shakuhachi Viewer you developed, because I have almost the same ideas to develop software tools to make shakuhachi music sheet as you did. Please think about producing sheets in the simplified Kinko notation which I like and is best for any body, I believe.

    Best wishes,
    Hiro Kisai Sato

  3. Razvan Beuran より:

    Dear Mr. Sato,

    Thank you for your words regarding ShakuViewer, I am really happy that you appreciate it.

    Although producing music sheets in Kinko notation requires significant effort, I have already added partial support by using Kinko characters, even though the other score conventions are for Tozan notation.

    If you would send me an email, I would be happy to provide you such a Kinko notation sample score (Haru no umi) for comments. I am planning to release a new software version that includes this feature in the next couple of weeks.

    Best wishes,

  4. 小林一城 より:


  5. hiro より:



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