In English

これらの問題は、B’Scoreの開発元にリポート済です。 (2022/8/7)



✩Mac OS Mojave/Catalinaのダークモードではテキスト類(拍子記号など)が消えるようです。当面、ライトモードでお使いください。 -> V.3.9.0で解決しました。

☆Finale、SibeliusなどMuseScore以外のソフトが出力したmusicXMLファイルは、必ずMuseScoreに一回インポートしてからエクスポートしてください。また、「Finale, Sibelius, Dorico等の出力ファイルの注意事項」も参照してください。

Important Notice:
☆To Illustrator users:
If Illustrator does not display some texts in svg files exported by JapoScore, check the font option shown in the screen shot. (2022/2/25)

☆MusicXML files made by image scan and recognition software such as KAWAI’s ScoreMaker may include many errors and inconsistent musicxml data elements.
Do not import ScoreMaker’s output files directly to JapoScore. Import them to MuseScore (and check if the recognition results are correct. If not, edit them). Then export to a musicxml file to be imported to JapoScore. Even after that process, the musicxml file may contain inconsistent data (such as crescendo stop data without starting data). Some of such known irregular data cases are checked and program abort is avoided. (May 1st, 2021)

✩Some texts disappear in the Dark Mode on Mac OS (Mojave and Catalina). Please use the Light Mode (2019/11/30). -> Fixed (V.3.9.0).

✩MusicXML data exported by softwares other than MuseScore should be imported to and then exported by MuseScore. After this process, the MusicXML data will hopefully become more friendly with JapoScore.
(An evaluation of musicxml file produced by Finale, Sibelius, and Dorico is summarized on this page (in Japanese only). Finale seems to be the best.)